

You’ve discovered my corner of the web! Greetings, I’m Jack Went, and I’ve crafted this site with enthusiasts like you in mind. Whether you’re a seasoned tech or just dipping your toes into the vast ocean of IT wonders, you’ve found a home here.

Explore freely and immerse yourself in a realm of cool tech projects, from tinkering with hypervisors and storage solutions to unraveling the mysteries of home automation. This site isn’t just about showcasing my projects—it’s about fostering a community of like-minded individuals who are passionate about pushing the boundaries of technology.

Have a project you’re proud of? Want to share your expertise or seek guidance from fellow enthusiasts? Drop me a line, and let’s feature your work on our projects page! Together, we can inspire and learn from each other’s innovations.

But that’s not all! Join our vibrant online tech community on Discord, where you can connect with others, seek assistance with configurations, or simply geek out over the latest tech trends. For more details, reach out to [email protected] or find me on GitHub.

So, dive in, explore, and enjoy the journey of discovery. Here’s to endless possibilities and happy clicking!


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